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House of the Earth

Cultural centre. Nature oasis. Clubhouse.

A small house in the middle of the hills of the Black Forest. All around us, the meadows and forests of the Dreisamtal are vibrating in their lush green, a little stream is babbling merrily through the garden. A fire crackles in the earth fireplace, buzzards circle in the sky. Earth, water, fire, air - one with the elements. A powerful place that invites us to connect with nature, to breathe deeply, to feel our roots. A place of the earth. A place of encounter and diversity. A place of community. People of all ages and cultures come together here to learn with and from each other, to grow, to envision, to discuss, to remember. To remember how we can live on this earth in wisdom, peace and joy.

The vision

Shubuã Xinã Bena - Cultural Center of the New Age

For the Huni Kuin from the Brazilian Amazon, the Shubuã is the center of the village, where all the community life takes place. Whether it is school lessons, assemblies and discussions, shared meals, dances, festivities, or rituals and ceremonies. The Shubuã is the cultural center and heart of the village community, where old and young come together. The seed for founding our association and the first major project that Erdbewegung realized in 2019 was the construction of a Shubuã in a Huni Kuin village of the indigenous ethnic group in the Brazilian Amazon.

Now it looks like things are coming full circle, with us in the Black Forest also getting our own Shubuã. For our gatherings and meetings, shared meals, dances, rituals and celebrations.


Xinã Bena - translated as "new thoughts" or "new time" - is what the Huni Kuin call the current era. Xinã Bena stands for coming together as a human family and for a respectful exchange between cultures in order to shape the new earth hand in hand. That is exactly what our clubhouse is supposed to become - a cultural center of the new era, the heart of our extensive village community, where we want to welcome visitors from all over the world.

Our motivations

Why do we need a clubhouse?

We at Erdbewegung firmly believe that peaceful, sustainable coexistence is possible on this earth. With our association, we have been working for 7 years to create a future worth living for all earthbound creatures. In order to be able to continue the natural growth process of our NGO and to continue our work at an appropriate level, we now need a central location where we can align and deepen our work, meet regularly as an association and carry out our projects.


At the heart of what we do are international solidarity, practical approaches to peace research, nature and environmental protection and wilderness education. From the very beginning, Erdbewegung's vision was to build a bridge between indigenous cultures and the western world. To achieve this, we want to receive regular visits from indigenous representatives and create meeting spaces. To do this, we have always been faced with the question of location: organizing conferences, seminars, workshops, charity events and projects of all kinds has often been a major challenge for us, one that has not always been manageable, due to fully booked conference and seminar locations and visitors' short-term travel plans. For us, a clubhouse would mean being able to freely carry out and develop our projects and visions.


But the vision of our clubhouse goes beyond the possibilities for us as a NGO.

For the new earth. For all of us.

In the Shubuã Xinã Bena we want to come together as the colorful and diverse human family that we are. We want to celebrate our diversity and at the same time become aware of our unity again. We want to learn from and with each other how to create a peaceful, just and ecologically sustainable future for all. We want to exchange ideas and network, as well as create spaces for self-discovery and personal development. Because change begins within ourselves.


We see lectures and conferences, nature and wilderness educational group offers, children and youth work, nature spirituality, connection and circle culture, vision searches, wild herb hikes, annual festivals, singing and mantra circles, small living room concerts, art and creative offers, natural crafts, yoga and meditation, shamanism and much more. Created both by our club itself and by third parties. We look forward to other non-profit associations, seminar leaders, artists, musicians, earth movers and pioneers of the new age who would like to use their gifts and gifts, their knowledge and wisdom to support the house of the earth and to use and shape the cultural center of the new era. Interested?


As a non-profit organization, we rely on external support to finance the project. We need you here, the more the better!


Creating together

Become part of the movement!

1. As a supporting member


Would you like to become a member of our NGO and move the earth with us? We're happy about that!​

With a monthly freely selectable contribution starting from €4.50 you can become an earth mover and thus make a valuable contribution - with your donation you directly support us in the maintenance and realization of our NGO and our projects. You can find out more about supporting membership here. In exchange for your support, you will receive a donation receipt and reduced rental conditions in our clubhouse.​

Funding contributions are tax deductible. ​

To apply for membership, please read our current NGO's constitution, print out the application and the SEPA mandate, fill it out and send it to us by email to:

2. With an individual donation to: 


Account holder: Erdbewegung e.V.

IBAN: DE53 4306 0967 7927 7343 01

Purpose: “Donation”

All donations are tax deductible.​


We thank you for your support!

Last but not least

A few more impressions from this year's visit of the Huni Kuin from the Brazilian Amazon to the House of the Earth.


We are pleased about the new opportunities that the clubhouse brings with it to receive regular visits from the Huni Kuin and other indigenous representatives, to further strengthen the bridge between the Amazon and the Black Forest, between indigenous culture and the Western world and to provide spaces for encounter and to create exchange. We look forward to this bright future with great anticipation and welcome everyone who would like to shape it with us!

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