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Creating together - support now!

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For running the clubhouse there will incur high monthly costs for us. These include rent, additional costs, insurance, office and administration costs, and personnel costs. As a non-profit organization, we are dependent on external support to cover these costs. Specifically, we will use the following four financing concepts that are common for non-profit organizations - perhaps you resonate with one of these and would like to support us?

crowdfunding/individual donations

For the start-up phase of our clubhouse, we will initiate a crowdfunding campaign to finance renovation work and the furnishing and fitting out of the house. With crowdfunding, a large number of people - the crowd - support a project and thus enable its realization. Erdbewegung eV was already able to realize the project in the Brazilian Amazon in the past via the online donation platform betterplace. Click here to find out more.

Alternatively, individual donations can be transferred to the following bank account with the purpose "donation".


Account holder: Erdbewegung e.V.

IBAN: DE53 4306 0967 7927 7343 01


All donations, both via the crowdfunding campaign and as direct transfer, will be documented with a donation receipt and are tax deductible.

Supporting memberships

As a supporting member, you support us with a monthly donation of at least €4.50 (tax deductible). This form of support ensures long-term work and gives us planning security. This primarily covers running costs, such as rent and additional costs. In exchange, supporting members receive reduced rental conditions in the clubhouse.

Funding pots

Funding and contributions for associations are awarded by a wide variety of institutions at the local, state, federal and international levels to finance social, socio-political and cultural projects. A distinction is made between state funding, funding sources with public tasks and private funding sources (e.g. foundations). For example, Erdbewegung e.V. has already received funding from the Baden-Württemberg Foundation for the realization of our wilderness educational projects. We are also committed to applying for suitable funding and grants for the clubhouse project. Are you part of a foundation or do you know funding programs that could fit our project? We look forward to your message!

Rental to third parties

We have the opportunity of renting out the clubhouse to members and non-members on an hourly, daily and weekly basis for seminars, workshops, small celebrations, etc. and using the income from the rental to cover the ongoing costs. Supporting members receive reduced rental conditions.

Fundraiser event

Artists and musicians perform at a charity event to benefit the association. The proceeds from the event benefit the club. We can make our clubhouse available to you free of charge. Interested in creating an earthmoving fundraiser? Get in touch with us!

Why should I support?

Because it's an attempt to do things differently. We believe rest & regeneration in nature, participation in cultural offerings, access to (further) education, personal development and meeting spaces should not be a privilege that only a few can afford. We want to get out of the capitalism mill, out of the old structures and try to take new paths with the House of the Earth. After all, it should also be a cultural center of the new era. But how can this work?


People have different amounts of money and therefore different financial options. Therefore, our goal is that one day we will be able to offer the premises of our clubhouse and also the club's events on a free donation basis. So everyone can give what is individually possible. Unfortunately we are not at that point yet. Now, at the start of the project, the money to cover the renovation work, the monthly rent and personnel costs for administration and maintenance that we incur as an association must of course come from somewhere - and here we need you guys, the more the better!


The more people feel addressed and support the project in the form of supporting memberships and donations, the faster we can reach our goal. A wise person once said that capitalism is not a law of nature. It was created by people and can also be changed by people.​


Want to be part of the revolution? Let's go!


Creating Together

How can I support?

1. As a supporting member


Would you like to become a member of our association and move the earth with us? We're happy about that!


With a monthly contribution of your choice starting at €4.50, you can become an earth mover and make a valuable contribution - with your donation you support us directly in the maintenance and realization of our association and our projects. You can find out more about supporting membership here . In exchange for your support, you will receive a donation receipt and reduced rental conditions in our clubhouse.


Funding contributions are tax deductible.


For your application for supporting membership, please read the current statutes, fill out the membership application and the SEPA mandate and send it to us by email to:

2. With a single donation to:


Account holder: Erdbewegung e.V.

IBAN: DE53 4306 0967 7927 7343 01

Purpose: "Donation"


All donations are tax deductible.


We thank you all for your support!


Your earth movers

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